Once a Marine ... Always a Marine.
We're looking for a Few Good Marines! To continue to Honor our Country and Serve our Community & Veterans.
Our monthly meetings are held at the Roselle American Legion – 115 Grove Street Roselle, NJ 07203. Every third Monday of the month @ 19:30 hours.

The Marine Corps League is the only congressionally chartered United States Marine Corps-related veteran’s organization. Its Congressional Charter was approved by the 75th U.S. Congress and signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 4, 1937. The organization credits its founding in 1923 to legendary Marine Corps Commandant John A. Lejeune.
Detachment Leadership:
Commandant –
Gerald Vittitoe
Sr. Vice Commandant – Jr. Vice Commandant –
Marc Michalski Alex Polce
Judge Advocate – Jr. Past Commandant –
Michael Waluk Alex Polce
Service Officer – Historian –
Gerald Donnelly Marty Reinfeld
Adjutant – Quarter Master –
Sue Wright Larry Markiewicz
Paymaster – Chaplain –
Mary T. Morley Kelly W. Terrell
Sgt at Arms – Food for the Needy –
Leo Jaramillo Pat Catullo
Social Officer- Marine 4 Life Liaison-
Robert Catullo Tom Cartwright
Honor Guard XO- Gerry Donnelly
Contact: Honor Guard Captain/Street Fair Coordinator; Sgt. Kelly W. Terrell
(732) 750-9448/(646) 279-7137 cell
The Central Jersey Leathernecks, of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy, voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen and former Marines and FMF Corpsmen and to their widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we band together to promote the interests of fellow Marines and the United States of America. We actively participate in street fairs, township parades, Eagle Scout courts, flag-folding workshops, high school JROTC scholarships, Young Marines, Toys for Tots, Rose Campaign fundraising for the Semper Fi Fund and service dogs for Vet4Warriors. Please contact us if you would like to continue your service or if you'd like to make a donation.
We the Central Jersey Leathernecks, Marine Corps League, are dedicated to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines. We actively participate in military parades, serve as the color guard for veteran and athletic events, serve as guest speakers during veteran events, and fall-in for honor guard and burial details when called upon. As long as one Marine stands, no Marine will ever be forgotten. Semper fidelis.

CJL MC BALL Information
Please contact a member of our MC Ball Committee for information regarding our 2024 Birthday Ball
Mary T. Morley - (908) 884-9409
Pat Catullo - (908) 872-9479
Gerry Markiewicz - (848) 219-5400
Sue Wright - (908) 380-7304
Central Jersey Ball ticket and program ad information
“COURAGE ... is not having the strength to go on;.. it's going on when you don't have the strength.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Current Events
Carl, with Michael & Larry & employees of Raymond of New Jersey LLC gave Central Jersey Leatherneck’s Detactment gift cards to be given to Veterns groups
In the photo holding the cards are : Kevin Murphy (left) of Operation Chillout and Michael Bill of Veterns Service Officer Department of NJ
Again “ TANKS “ to Raymond LLC for the generous donation that will help many veterans, Carl & Larry then went to Raymond LLC to present certificates to the employees who gave a generous donation to veterans groups

Upcoming Events
- We continue to hold live meetings.Roselle American Legion
Marines or Associates who have made their Final Muster. Rest in Peace Brothers and Sisters. Until Valhalla! Semper fidelis.

5 July, 2021
Former Chaplain. Life member. Korea.

17 February, 2021
Chapel of Four Chaplains Humanitarian Award. Life member. Korea.

5 May, 2020
Former Commandant. Life member. Korea.

-Corpsman 'Doc' FRANK FREER
14 February, 2022
WWII & Korea. Corpsman w/4Th Marines - Raider Battalion. Guam, Okinawa, Korea.

Marine Don Hora
27 September, 2022
Life member. 1958-1962. Over 50-year Winfield Park resident with Fire & Rescue squad.

Marine Colin Yorke
9 November, 2023
Colin proudly served his country as a United States Marine 1974 – 1978. Colin retired from the New York State Judicial System as Supervising Court Reporter in Kings County Family Court.

Marine James Howlett
15 March, 2024
Marine veteran; served 1963-1966
Member of the Clifton/West Orange VFW & Knights of Columbus
115 Grove St
Roselle, Union County 07203
(732) 750-9448